Note New Date and Location
Below you will find a copy of the contract for Art in the Park to be held on September 11 2022 and a rain date of September 25, 2022. You can pay for your space here and download a copy of the contract and e-mail it back to me at hal@inspireartgalleryandstudio.com.
Spaces will be held on a first come first serve by registration date and spaces are limited, Don't wait you could be shut out. Please read the contract, we will not be supplying tables, chairs or canopies for this event.
Last years ART in the PARK was very successful and well attended, so I'm Happy to be bringing it back to Dunellen again this year. We're expecting up to 20+ Artists to have artwork up for sale, and at least 8 Musicians will be playin throughout the day
We will also be bringing back the Inspire Mystery Bag Challenge which was a huge and fun part of the event last year.
Payment must be received by September 7, 2022 to be guaranteed a spot in the event.
Payment may be made to Inspire Art Gallery & Studio
449 North Ave.
Dunellen NJ 08812
By Venmo @ inspire-art
Artist Fee ( NON - Member ) - $50.00
Jewelers Fee - $50.00 Jewelry is welcome but must be handmade ( No Exceptions)
Photo must be submitted for approval.
Inspire Art Gallery & Studio Member fee is $30.00.
Must be a member prior to September 3, 2022.
The event date and time for the ART in the PARK event is September 11, 2022.
From the hours of 11:00 AM until 5:30 PM. Rain date for the event
Is June 26, 2022 11:00 AM until 5:30 PM.
- Set up will begin at 9:00 AM and all exhibits must be ready by 10:30 AM
- Set up will begin at 9:00 AM and all exhibits must be ready by 10:30 AM.
The event is a family friendly event. Artwork displayed must be appropriate for display.
Inspire Art Gallery and Staff members will have final decision on Artwork deemed acceptable. If found offensive you will be required to remove said Artwork.
The Artist fee is for one 15’ X 15’ Space, and only that area.
Spaces will be assigned first come first served by Registration Dates.
Artists are responsible for supplying Canopies, tables and chairs.
Canopies must be weighted down and can not be staked.
Artwork must be hung in an appropriate and safe environment.
Recycling will be the responsibility of each Artist/Crafter.
Each Artist is responsible for cleanliness and safety of exhibit area.
Artwork must be hung in an appropriate and safe environment.
- Personal and Liability insurance is the responsibility of each Artist/Crafter, it is recommended but not required.
Sale of Artwork is permitted. No commissions will be charged on
sales. A live demonstration of you painting during the event is highly recommended.
Electricity is not provided and no generators are permitted.
The event ends at 5:30 PM and the Park must be empty and clean by 6:30. All Artists are responsible for your area.
By signing this agreement, the Artist and /or Crafter agrees to release and hold harmless The Borough of Dunellen and Inspire Art Gallery & Studio.
(Printed Name ) X______________________________________
( Signed} X____________________________________________
The Artist fee is for one 15’ X 15’ Space, and only that area.